Monday, December 20, 2010

sunrise, sunset

It always seems to happen that as soon as I come to terms with leaving this place, that I fall in love with something. Or someone. Maybe its my way of backing away from my future, even though I know nothing will stop me from moving on. It will just make things a lot harder. I recently had my heart broken, and it was the most liberating thing I have ever experienced. I was finally ready. But as time moved along, I found myself becoming closer and more attached to the things in my life. Its as if I finally realized what I have had going for me this entire time. Its beautiful. And its terrifying.

Tonight, Earth experiences a total lunar eclipse. But were I standing on the moon looking back at the Earth, instead of a red haze covering the planet, there would be a halo of light surrounding it. i would be viewing every sunset and every sunrise happening on Earth at the exact same time. And on the shortest day and longest night of the year, I feel like that is something significant. Maybe its a "close a door, open a window" analogy, but seeing sunsets and sunrises simultaneously is a wonderful thought and I'm taking it to heart.

In four months I will be far from anything and anyone I consider to be 'home'. I'm going to make the best of it.

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