Wednesday, June 30, 2010

first time for everything

Tonight I was reminded of some of the best things. As we closed up at work we popped open a bottle of Champagne that has hidden in the back of the walk-in fridge for over a year. Now let me note that I don’t mean sparkling wine. No, I mean Champagne. The wine grown on the hills of France, made of Chardonnay or Pinot Noir grapes; probably the only time in my life I will indulge. It’s always easier when it’s free. Sitting with good people, drinking good wine, sharing stories of exciting (and often illegal) forays of our pasts, it made me remember that despite seeming constantly alone, there are endless opportunities for friendships. You just need to be open.
The air tonight is heavy with the smell of a monsoon, although the stars are out in their fullest. The bike ride home was drenched in memories of prior summers, sneaking into pools and swimming in our underwear, countless nights spent on front porches, or back porches, depending on the noise from the AC units. Philosophical conversations and the smell of cigarette smoke. I wish we could bottle the scent of nights like this. I could move anywhere in the world and be content, as long as I could have this smell whenever I needed memories.
When I arrived home, the little orange tabby was waiting nervously for me on my porch, as always. If you don’t know her story, it is quite a sad one. Her mother had been hit by a car in front of my house, and the perpetrators placed her body upon my porch, possibly thinking I was the cat’s owner. Ever since that night, the kitten has been fascinated by me. Waiting for me each time I leave and return home, peering out from behind shrubs and bushes just to get a peak at me. She watches me through my screen door, and brings suitors to fornicate with on my stoop stairs. Although I cannot approach her, she has taken to me. Here now, I can hear her in-heat howls crawling in through my windows.
My cooler will not work tonight. My skin is a bit moist, as is the air, and I can expect a lousy nights sleep. Regardless, I finally decided to make a blog.

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